My best friend’s name is Hailey. She is like my sister, but we never fight. We spend a lot of our time together telling each other funny stories and jokes. We met in choir class last August. Despite the fact that we haven’t known each other for a very long time, we get along very well. We both love to sing soprano in choir. I can’t help but be envious of how immensely talented she is. She is also beautiful with blue eyes, long blonde hair, and braces. She is skinny like me and is about as tall as I am. Part of the reason that we get along so well is that we both have crazy personalities. We’re not afraid to act goofy or silly around each other. We can talk to each other about anything without it being awkward or embarrassing. We encourage each other when we are sad and rant to each other when we are angry. We comfort each other and celebrate each other’s accomplishments. We always enjoy each other’s company and like to hang out with our mutual friends. We are both Christians and love to worship Jesus Christ. We are also familiar with each other’s families. She knows my parents and brother, and I know her grandmother and siblings. I am one year older than Hailey, and I was able to attend her fifteenth birthday party. We have made so many memories together in choir and with our other friends, and I know there are many more to still be made.